Tuition & Aid

We understand that an independent school education is a big investment for families and that some may need assistance in affording a BFS education for their student. This is a reality that we do not take lightly, and we do our best to make Buckeye accessible for students and families while balancing the needs of our budget as a nonprofit school.

Buckeye is committed to a community that is socio-economically diverse.

We are dedicated to providing tuition assistance to families with demonstrated inability to pay for full tuition and currently assist 35% of our families with grants ranging from 10%-85% off the total tuition.

Buckeye also offers a ten-payment plan for families.

We encourage families that need assistance to fill out the School and Student Service for Financial Aid (SSS), which helps us assess families’ ability to pay for tuition. The system analyzes the numerical information that families submit and recommends total payment for tuition. The tuition assistance committee then works with the admissions team to determine the final tuition grant for each family based on this initial recommendation, taking into account external factors like cost of living and special circumstances.

Tuition decisions are decided by the admissions team, and the business manager. This committee treats each family’s application with respect, confidentiality, and thoroughness.

Families are asked to reapply for tuition assistance every school year to take into account any changes that may have occurred in a family’s finances so that the school can allocate budget appropriately. In most cases, student tuition remains at the same level, adjusting for annual tuition increases. In a few cases, aid amounts change year-to-year, reflecting a dramatic change in a family’s financial circumstances.